Dragon Quest Builders 2: pubblicati i primi screenshots del titolo e informazioni sui protagonisti

Qualche ora fa sono emersi i primi screenshots ed informazioni sui protagonisti di Dragon Quest Builders 2 per Nintendo Switch.

Dal sito ufficiale giapponese, aperto recentemente da Square Enix, vengono svelati informazioni sui due nuovi eroi costruttori.

Come i loro antenati, anche i nuovi eroi della costruzione potranno usufruire del potere di craftare oggetti, senza però avere l’esperienza necessaria per farlo, affidandosi così al Builder’s Book”, cercando di diventare un costruttore a tutti gli effetti.

La nuova avventura si svolgerà nella “Vacant Island”, un’isola enorme disabitata, senza case o città, dove è presente della lava e solamente un tempio artificiale visibile da una montagna.

Annunciato lo scorso anno nel livestream “Dragon Quest Summer Festival 2017”, Dragon Quest Builders 2 vedrà la luce in estate su Nintendo Switch.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 supporterà un Multiplayer (non si sa se solo locale o online, ma è molto probabile entrambe), fino a quattro giocatori, e i blocchi impilabili sono aumentati di tre unità, 64 verso l’alto, 32 verso il basso rispetto al primo capitolo.

Sarà possibile immergersi nel sottosuolo marino, e saranno presenti delle cascate, richieste a gran voce dall’utenza del primo capitolo.  

Sarà possibile trasferire i dati di salvataggio del primo Dragon Quest Builders su Nintendo Switch, utilizzati e/o trasferiti nel secondo capitolo, anche se non si sa come lo saranno.

Potete trovare gli screenshots pubblicati, in calce all’articolo.



  • Title: Dragon Quest Builders 2: The God of Destruction Malroth and the Vacant Island
  • Genre: Block-Make RPG
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
  • Players: 1 (or a maximum of 4 players in multiplayer—each player must own a copy of the game)
  • Release Date: TBA
  • Price: TBA
  • CERO Rating: Pending


  • General Director: Yuji Horii
  • Character Designer: Akira Toriyama
  • Composer: Koichi Sugiyama
  • Planning and Production: Square Enix

■ Characters


A Builder with the miraculous power to craft. The ancestor of his ancestor’s ancestor is said to have been a legendary Builder who restored the world from being covered in darkness. While the protagonist is currently still learning, they will rely on the “Builder’s Book” they carry on their back while aiming to become a full-fledged builder.

—Male Protagonist

—Female Protagonist

■ World

◆ What kind of game is Dragon Quest Builders?

A block-make RPG where you grow through building things—that is Dragon Quest Builders.

Dragon Quest Builders is a block-make RPG where you can enjoy simultaneously going on a grand adventure to save the world and sandbox-esque crafting. By breaking the world, which is made of blocks, you can obtain materials, which can be used to create weapons, tools, buildings, and facilities. By improving your building skills, the protagonist will gradually become stronger, and the range that they can explore will expand.

—The world is made up of blocks. If you break it, it will turn into materials for crafting.

—Use the materials you gathered to craft weapons, tools, and all sorts of other things.

—Make your adventure more comfortable by creating facilities like bedrooms and dining rooms.

—You can also get valuable materials by defeating monsters.

◆ Vacant Island

The protagonist washes ashore the “Vacant Island.” This island, where there is currently nothing, will be the base of your adventure.

A certain event leads the protagonist to wash ashore on an unpopulated island called the “Vacant Island.” This island, where there are few flowers and living things, and not yet any houses or towns where people live, will be the base of your adventure. Use the power to craft possessed by Builders to build and build on the Vacant Island.

—An unpopulated island will be the base of your adventure.

—What is the fate of the protagonist who washed ashore on the Vacant Island…?

◆ God of Destruction Malroth

The subtitle of Dragon Quest Builders 2 includes the surprising name, “God of Destruction Malroth.” While he is the evil god of destruction that appeared in Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line, how will he be involved in the story of the Builder who possesses the power the create…?

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