Code of Princess EX: il titolo annunciato ed in arrivo in estate su Nintendo Switch

Nicalis ha recentemente annunciato l’arrivo di una vecchia conoscenza, Code of Princess EX, in arrivo nei prossimi mesi su Nintendo Switch.

Il titolo action-RPG pubblicato nel 2012 sull’eShop del 3DS, si prepara ad approdare nel corso di questo estate (in versione EX), sull’eShop europeo e americano di Nintendo Switch.

Potete trovare il trailer dell’annuncio, in calce all’articolo.

The game features classic “hack-and-slash” gameplay where players can freely move between three different planes of action and attack enemies using a variety of powerful fighting combos, lock-on and burst systems. Over 50 different characters are playable and upgradeable throughout multiple game modes, including Campaign, Free Play and Bonus Quests.

The story within Code of Princess EX follows Princess Solange of DeLuxia as she fights to restore order in a world where monsters are trying to overtake the human race. Armed with the legendary sword DeLuxcalibur, Solange assembles a team of talented fighters to join her quest. Together, they embark on an epic journey to confront the monster uprising and try to discover its secret origins.

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