Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition, uno sguardo in video al titolo dai Nintendo Switch europei

Poco fa abbiamo pubblicato un video gameplay dedicato a Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition, titolo disponibile ora sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo action 2D di Tribute Games, è stato infatti pubblicato sull’eShop europeo di Nintendo Switch il 6 febbraio 2018, al prezzo di €15,99.

Potete trovare il video gameplay sul titolo, in calce all’articolo.

In questo avvincente gioco d’azione 2D, entrerai a far parte dei Mercenary Kings, il più abile gruppo di guerrieri mercenari che si possa assoldare sulla Terra. Dopo che tutti i tuoi compagni sono caduti in battaglia e le forze malefiche di CLAW si sono impossessate di un laboratorio segreto grande quanto un’intera isola, sei disposto a tutto per fermare il nemico.

Ma non ti farai cogliere impreparato! Perché a farti da scorta ci sarà una squadra di geniali canaglie molto esperte nel loro campo! Grazie alla possibilità di creare e personalizzare le tue armi da fuoco e da taglio o di potenziare il tuo giubbotto antiproiettile, non sei mai stato così pronto per combattere.

Da solo o con gli amici, fatti valere, sconfiggi CLAW e salva il mondo!

Mercenary Kings Reloaded Edition Out Now for Xbox 1, Switch, PSVita, PS4 and PC

Critically acclaimed retro 2D side-scrolling platformer Mercenary Kings comes back with a vengeance in its reloaded edition to please all consoles owners

Montreal, Canada, February 6, 2018 – Montreal based independent game studio Tribute Games announced today that its fun side-scrolling old-school shooter-looter Mercenary Kings is out today in its extended definitive version for Xbox 1Nintendo Switch, PSVita, PS4 and PC. Entitled Mercenary Kings Reloaded Edition, the game is now available across all platforms for $19.99 USD and features additional content and other minor improvements over the original release, which will be automatically updated at no cost for its current owners (PS4, PC).


The fight for Mandragora Island carries on in this reloaded edition of the frantic 2D action game! The battle against the fearsome forces of CLAW continues but now, two BRAND NEW playable recruits have joined the world’s most skilled team of warriors-for-hire! With robotic helper C-Zar and the Resistance’s most powerful fighter, Frigg, Commander Baron’s troops don’t stand a chance!

In this upgraded edition of Mercenary Kings, players can take the commands of a mecha-armor in a BRAND NEW Steel Soldier Mission! You can craft 20 NEW weapons! The Kings have never been more powerful!

Whether you head into a solo mission or gather your crew, the days of CLAW are numbered!

“We rejoice ourselves to finally release the reloaded edition of Mercenary Kings, which design was partly based on the community’s feedback. We are very grateful for the infatuation the fans have shown and wanted to thank them with this reloaded edition while at the same time making the game available to all platforms,” says Jean-Francois Major, co-founder at Tribute Games.

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