Splatoon 2: la versione 2.2.0 è in arrivo il prossimo 17 gennaio sui Nintendo Switch europei

Qualche ora fa è emerso il nuovo aggiornamento in arrivo per Splatoon 2 per Nintendo Switch, che porterà il titolo alla versione 2.2.0 sulle console europee.

L’aggiornamento in questione, in arrivo il prossimo 17 gennaio, andrà ad apportare alcuni cambiamenti alle armi principali e secondarie nel gioco, che trovate nel changelog di seguito.

Version 2.2.0

  • Changes to Multiplayer
    • Fixed an issue in which the bubble effect displayed when taking damage while submerged would not be displayed if you even momentarily went outside of the ink or treaded on opponent’s ink.
    • Fixed an issue in which, if the player activated the Splashdown while swinging a Roller- or Slosher-type weapon, other players would see them as floating up while holding their weapon aloft.
    • Fixed an issue in which, if the player rolled and inked immediately after doing a vertical swing with a Roller-type weapon, other players would see them as having put away the Roller.
    • Fixed an issue in which, if the player activated the Splashdown towards certain water surfaces, it would display as exploding on other players’ screens, despite it showing the player dying in the water before the explosion on the screen of the one who activated the Splashdown.
    • Fixed an issue in which, if multiple players were overlapping as they move along an Ink Rail, they would move slightly away from the center of the screen.
    • Fixed an issue in which bubbles from a Bubble Blower could take damage from attacks on the other side of terrain when they were close to the surface of said terrain.
    • Fixed a rare issue in Clam Blitz in which players could obtain a clam or power clam that just spawned without having actually touched it.
    • Fixed an issue in Clam Blitz in which, when the goal is located in an upper area, clams or power claims would occasionally be placed somewhere making them unable to be gathered
    • Fixed an issue on The Reef in Rainmaker and Clam Blitz in which players could enter the opponents’ base without using the main route.
    • Fixed an issue on Starfish Mainstage in which, when certain walls are hit by ink, the ink would not show up correctly.
    • Fixed an issue on Starfish Mainstage in Turf War in which players could get points for inking a portion of un-inkable floor.
    • Fixed an issue where the game would forcibly close when a player did a Splashdown in a certain spot under the drawbridge as it was coming down on them in Sturgeon Shipyard.
    • Fixed an issue on Moray Towers in which players could stay in squid form on certain narrow steel girders.
    • Fixed an issue on Snapper Canal in Turf War in which players could ink beneath certain obstacles and get points for it.
    • Adjusted the placement of terrain outside of the stage in Walleye Warehouse, and removed a space from which players could attack only from one team’s base.
    • Fixed an issue on Walleye Warehouse in which a player using an Inkjet could climb above the terrain using a light placed only in one team’s base.
    • Adjusted the lighting in Shellendorf Institute so the brightness doesn’t blow out depending on how light is reflected into the camera.
    • Fixed an issue on Shellendorf Institute in which, when certain unsinkable walls are hit with ink, the game would show the same animation as inking an inkable wall.
    • Fixed an issue on Shellendorf Institute in which bombs thrown at certain walls would disappear without exploding.
    • Fixed an issue on Shellendorf Institute in Splat Zones and Tower Control in which players could briefly through the surface of certain areas of terrain.
    • Fixed an issue on Shellendorf Institute in Turf War, Splat Zones, and Clam Blitz in which the box in the center would not be displayed on the Turf Map.
    • Fixed an issue on terrain that moves in Shifty Station which would occasionally move in a halting fashion.
    • Specifications for some of the main weapons have been changed. Click here for details
    • Specifications for some of the sub weapons and special weapons have been changed. Click here for details
    • Specifications for points required for some specials have been changed. Click here for details
  • Changes to Salmon Run
    • Fixed a rare issue in which a player would clip into the terrain if they touched a Scrapper stopped on a slope.
    • Fixed a rare issue in which the hit animation would displayed in an incorrect place when a player get a direct hit on a Scrapper with the Sloshing Machine.
    • Fixed a rare issue in which throwing a bomb into a Flyfish right before its hatch closed would cause the next bomb passing through that location to detonate instantly.
    • Fixed an issue in which, if any player disconnected in the interval between waves, and all remaining players died in the next wave, the job would not end until time ran out.
    • Fixed an issue in which it was possible to cause damage to a Gusher in background terrain.
  • Other Changes
    • Fixed an issue in which a piece of terrain seemed to be floating in air when viewing a match in Walleye Warehouse using the overhead camera in Spectator Mode.
    • Fixed an issue in which certain gear was displayed brightly even when in shadow.
    • Fixed an issue in which, when taking a picture with an amiibo in certain stages, a character’s hands and feet would clip into terrain or another character.
    • Fixed an issue where the equipped gear of a player with a star on their rank would change to Splattershot Jr. when they appear in the plaza.

Splatta dove, quando e con chi vuoi in Splatoon 2, solo su Nintendo Switch. Le tradizionali mischie mollusche quattro contro quattro fanno il loro ritorno in questo secondo capitolo della serie, insieme a nuovi livelli, nuovi stili, nuove armi e molto altro!

Nelle mischie mollusche l’obiettivo è semplice: controllare più territorio possibile imbrattandolo con l’inchiostro della propria squadra. La squadra che controlla più territorio vince la partita! Trasformati in un calamaro per nuotare nell’inchiostro della tua squadra. Usa questi talenti per scalare pareti ricoperte d’inchiostro della tua squadra e raggiungere punti sopraelevati, ottimi per tendere imboscate agli ignari avversari.


Nuove armi

Il nuovo repolper duplo si aggiunge all’arsenale a tua disposizione, insieme a una nuova mossa che ti permette di schivare gli attacchi avversari. Anche capisaldi come il rullo splat e lo splatter a carica fanno il loro ritorno, con una forma leggermente diversa, accompagnati da nuove armi speciali.

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Nuova modalità: Salmon Run

Coopera con fino a tre altri giocatori per sconfiggere ondate di Salmonoidi e raccogliere le uova preziose che si lasciano dietro in questa nuova modalità.

Multiplayer locale* e online**.

Per la prima volta, puoi partecipare a mischie mollusche in multiplayer locale, in tutte e tre le modalità di gioco supportate da Nintendo Switch: portatile, da tavolo e TV. Fino a 10 console Nintendo Switch possono collegarsi tra loro tramite connessione LAN quando sono inserite nella loro base, permettendo a otto giocatori e due spettatori di creare tornei in locale senza bisogno di una connessione a Internet. Fanno il loro ritorno anche le battaglie online.


Modalità per singolo giocatore

Una delle famose Sea Sirens, Stella, è scomparsa e Marina ti ha incaricato di ritrovarla! Usa armi diverse, come il rullo, il secchiostro, lo splatling e il nuovo repolper duplo per superare ostacoli, sconfiggere nemici e abbattere boss enormi!

Nuovi modi di giocare

Gioca sulla TV, in modalità portatile o in modalità da tavolo usando i Joy-Con o il Nintendo Switch Pro Contoller (venduto separatamente) usando i sensori di movimento per mirare accuratamente!

Nuove mode

Sono passati due anni nel mondo di Splatoon e tante cose sono cambiate. Troverai alcuni personaggi familiari e diverse facce nuove.

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Nuovi livelli

Splatoon 2 include livelli tutti nuovi, come il Tintodromo Montecarpa e il Centro polpisportivo.

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Nuovi aggiornamenti

Dopo il lancio arriveranno degli aggiornamenti, con nuovi livelli, stili e armi, proprio come accaduto con il primo gioco.

Supporto ai dispositivi smart

Un’applicazione per dispositivi smart per la console Nintendo Switch migliorerà il matchmaking e permetterà di usare la chat vocale.

*Per giocare in multiplayer locale, ogni giocatore deve disporre di una console e di una copia del gioco.

**Il gioco online richiede una connessione a Internet. È necessario registrare e collegare un account Nintendo e accettare l’Accordo per l’account Nintendo e la Policy sulla Privacy. Per usufruire dei servizi online è necessario un account Nintendo. A partire da questo autunno, per usufruire di alcuni servizi online sarà necessario un abbonamento a pagamento. Alcuni servizi online potrebbero non essere disponibili in tutti i paesi. Scopri di più sull’abbonamento a pagamento.


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